Amy Macdonald rocked in Tilburg
|Last Monday, Amy Macdonald was the first international artist to perform at 013 in Tilburg (The Netherlands) since the covid-pandemic. A well-filled venue was able to enjoy the concert without restrictions and it was like the audience was used to in the past. Singer-songwriter Remme had the honour to perform as a support act. In an intimate setup with only a keyboard and a guitar, he played intimate versions of his songs. His hit-single “The Moment” sounded familiar to the audience, after all this was an often heard tune during the highlights of the European Soccer Championship last year om DUtch television. In April Remme will visit a number of venues in the Netherlands for his own live show.

Then there was the moment that all the visitors had been waiting for: Scottish singer Amy Macdonald walked on stage with her band. The concert started with “We Could Be So Much More” from the 2020 album “The Human Demands”. The release of a new album during a pandemic and the promotional interviews via Zoom was very uninspiring, according to the 34-year-old singer. Amy Macdonald and her band were thrilled to finally be touring Europe. The enthusiastic audience was treated to an energetic show, with plenty of opportunities to jump, clap and sing along loudly.

Amy and her band were having a great time on stage and this energy just exploded off the stage. The big hits “Mr. Rock & Roll” and “This Is The Life” resolved in big smiles on the crowd’s faces as they were singing along loudly. In between songs, the very enthusiastic Amy Macdonald joked a lot about her Scottish accent. During this concert there was also a built-in part where some audience participation was requested: in the very catchy “Slow It Down” the audience was asked to sing along to the chorus. During practice, the Scottish singer noticed with amusement that some visitors had the gift of being able to sing along with their mouths closed. But when the song came on there was a lot of singing along, much to the delight of Amy, her band and the audience.

This very energetic show ended with “Let’s Start A Band”, where the fans went completely crazy. Amy Macdonald mentioned that she really enjoyed this show in Tilburg and announced that she will return to the Netherlands in the summer: in July she will perform at Bospop in Weert.
Photo’s (c) Stefanie Portegies