Glenn Hughes thrilled to be touring the UK in January
|“I’m thrilled to be coming over to tour the UK and Europe this month and February,” says Hughes. “My band will now be a four piece. On guitar is Søren Andersen, on drums Pontus Engborg, and on keyboards Jay Boe. Song selections will be a mix from my new album Resonate, and from my well of historic songs through the decades. This tour is all about ROCK and what it means to us all, including my band, and to my fans and friends. Let’s get 2017 going with a killer night for ROCK lovers, movers and shakers. I’m in. Let’s go! See you down the front!”
Friday 20 January The Riverside, Newcastle
Saturday 21 January Islington Assembly Hall, London
Monday 23 January The Robin 2, Bilston
Tuesday 24 January The Garage, Glasgow
Thursday 26 January Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
Friday 27 January O2 Academy 2, Manchester
Sunday 29 January Sub 89, Reading
Monday 30 January The Junction, Cambridge
Wednesdy 1 February The Church, Leeds
Thusday 2 February The Fleece, Bristol