No Serial Killer… happy not to be a serial killer
|A while ago we met musician No Serial Killer. Other than the name implies, his music is not hard core rap music. Maxazine had a small conversation…
What does the name ‘No Serial Killer’ signify?
It refers to the fact that as a 46 year old, I am happy to have not turned into a serial killer. By 2019 standards, I’m doing pretty well. If any of our listeners is a serial killer, you’re not welcome to be one of our fans. We only want ‘no serial killers’ to like ‘No Serial Killer’. Killing people due to one’s own inadequacies we find deeply offensive. Don’t hurt others is the message.

What does ‘Bass Piano’ mean?
All of our tracks use piano as the bass guitar in the song. There is no bass guitar in any song. ‘Yes I do’ has no piano at all though.
Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Rock and roll of all eras. Any music with a good vibe. We take influences from music, TV, movies, video games, life in general etc.
Why is the group faceless?
This is a one-off project so our personalities are irrelevant. I wanted to make a great album and we’ve achieved that goal. The album is entitled ‘The Greatest Music Album In Recorded Human History’. It’s our way of saying we think the music is quite good. 🙂 13 tracks, all classics in their own right. How many albums do you know of where there are absolutely no filler tracks? Every song is fantastic!
When will the album be released?
It was released in May 2019.
Who are you?
I am AKM. I wrote all of the songs, played the bass piano on all tracks and offered vocal direction to the singers. I have used a variety of professional singers and session musicians on the album. I’m British. The vocalists and session musicians are American.
How do I contact you?